Any company with buyer status can purchase advertising mountains on RB:
- Admins, bloggers, online publishers connect to Ed Exchange and, acting through the SSP platform on the supplier side, make Who is interested their advertising field transparent for buyers.
- Independent advertisers, whether agents or individuals, join Exchange from a demand perspective, that is, through the DSP platform.
- Network advertisers buy a position on the RB, format the place and resell it at a profit. To turn over large advertising stocks, sellers and buyers use the “wholesale” platform Trading Desk (ATD).
How RB works
Using the offer platform, the advertiser northeast cell phone number list directly connects to the exchange in the hope of getting worthy participants in the auction, where Who is interested his unsold product is put up for sale.
Receiving targeted information about
The product and potential customers. In this way, it helps the seller find a profitable buyer faster.
The advertiser enters the stock market what is an imap server? game via the demand platform DSP. This service sorts out the desired target audience. Configures the auction parameters, stores the campaign input data. And informs the buyer about each new opportunity to place a bid.
I received a bid request from Ad Exchange – what next?
Along with location and user behavior data. The bid request comes from the ad exchange. After collecting all bids, Ad Exchange awards the highest bid.
Ad Exchange vs. Ad Network – What’s the Difference?
Consumers often equate advertising fresh list exchanges and networks. Not seeing a significant difference in the two concepts. This is not surprising. After all, in essence, exchange and network spaces provide the same services: management and buying and selling of advertising. But marketing specialists note that these structures have. An experienced player will not miss the chance to use them to his advantage.